Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Shit. It's been a month since we've last chatted (you didn't see it, but I accidentally wrote "shatted" That made me laugh. Thought I'd share).

As is usually the case, the fewer words here the more going on out there. Some mundane (work. conference. long hours. waah.) others not so much. My goal is to get back here by the end of the week and fill you in. Until then, I'll share the list of words that I stick on my 'droid to help me not forget all of thoughts rolling around in my head. Thoughts on:
  • personhood
  • the importance of Choice (with a capital C)
  • cognitive dissonance
  • S*ndusky
  • house hunting (and finding)
  • treatments and diseases (and deciding which is worse)
In the meantime, roll on over to Mel at Stirrup Queens and check out what she has to say about some of this, because she's beaten me to the punch, and linked to several other smart ladies who are feeling just as horrified as I am about Initiative 26:

And while you're there, go ahead and read her post on Social Media and how the game has changed because it pretty much encapsulates the feeling I'm having of being stuck in the rapids and trying to paddle free:

Later gators. Late again for yet another meeting. Ugh.


Lollipop Goldstein said...

I am really curious to hear your thoughts on treatments vs. the disease. Both in life threatening situations and non-life threatening situations?

Waiting patiently until you have time (and head space) to return.

Mo said...

I will consider myself teased. looking forward to reading more when you have a chance to post.


TracyOC said...

on the edge of my seat. can't wait to hear your thoughts on all of these topics (including shatting)

TracyOC said...

on the edge of my seat. can't wait to hear your thoughts on all of these topics (including shatting)

Two Shorten the Road said...

Re: shatted. I accidentally typed "sharted" instead of "charted" in an email today and cracked myself up. I did catch it before sending. :)
