Here's the thing: most Sunday nights and Monday mornings find me scrambling. Feeling semi-guilty for neglecting work I brought home over the weekend and didn't do...pep talking myself to death about how THIS week is going to be THE week I run or exercise every. single. morning...the week I get my shit together, the week I study for the CAE exam with focus and determination for a minimum of 7 hours....
Sunday night/Monday morning begins my weekly cycle of resolutions and to dos - some of which get done and some, alas, get rehashed the following week. One of the things that many times doesn't make it to the top of the list is writing my Perfect Moment.
I can't remember when Lori started Perfect Moment Monday. I just know the practice of paying attention and documenting one lovely thing that occurred during the week came at a good time for me. And it is something, unlike meditation, that comes fairly easily to me. Its a little dose of mindfulness that can pull me out of (and spare you from) the woooeeee is meeeeee-ness that can manifest itself here in a blog about infertility and loss.
I am not one that believes in everything happening for a Reason. I do not believe in a Divine Plan. Our world is one ruled (for lack of a better word) by Randomness. But Perfect Moments help remind me that randomness is not always bad.
So I find myself throughout the week thinking, "Oh, that would make a nice perfect moment....." and I make a mental note and sometimes that moment makes it to the screen and sometimes it doesn't. But its the noticing that I think is important. The practice of holding on, for just a minute, to the lovely.
So my Perfect Moment this week is about the recognition of perfect moments.
How meta is that?
Perfect Moment Monday is about noticing a perfect moment rather than creating one. Perfect moments can be momentous or ordinary or somewhere in between. Go visit Lori from Weebles Wobblog, founder of Perfect Moment Mondays to read where she and others found their moments this week.