Wednesday, June 6, 2007


Hear that?

That's what left in our piggy bank. Nothing but air. We just made our final payment to the clinic, spread across three credit cards especially cleared for this purpose.

I am scheduled to begin Lupron in 11 days.

I'm slightly dizzy and I'm not sure if it's because I've never threw down that much dough in one sitting before or if things are beginning to feel real. And that's a little scary.

And exciting. But still, scary.

Whoooosh. That's me. Trying to breathe.


Anonymous said...

Breathe! Breathe! It's all good, in fact awesome.

Anonymous said...

Oh, if only I had a piggy bank left to smash. It's all coming from the bank's piggy bank now. It's a horrible feeling to be sure. I just try to imagine that little one I might be holding one day and that helps...oh, and imagining winning the lottery...that helps too, for a few seconds..
