Childhood cancer survivor. That's the good news. Bad news? Chemo and radiation zapped my eggs leaving me infertile. Egg donors were found, several attempts were made and finally we were blessed with beautiful twin girls - born too early (21 wks, 5 days on Dec. 5, 2008). Hang out with me while we savor life with Big Baby Boy, who arrived via gestational surrogate on March 25, 2013.
Monday, March 17, 2008
The Greatest Art
The Greatest Art Is to Sit and Wait and Let it Come. -Yogi Bhajan
I thought it was to take 486 HPTs in a 10 day period. Just shows you how artistic I am!! ;)
Are you sure it didn't say the hardest art?
Let it Come.
Art is... a question mark in the minds of those who want to know what's happening. ~Aaron Howard
Sending hugs to help get you through a tough tww. I want this to happen for you so badly!
Still thinking of you...
I'll now add 'let it come' to my mental thoughts I'm sending your way:)
And the hardest art...
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