"Is this thing on?"
That's me tapping the mike to announce to the world that my lining measure a big ole 10.1 this morning.
That's higher than the baseline of 8. Higher than the 7.5 I measured last time.
My nurse chalks it up to the addition of estrogen patches. Sure. I'm also not so quietly thanking my new acupuncturist, a new attitude and a new commitment to visualizing success.
I laughed when I saw this cushion at Ikea this morning (an obligatory stop after a good visit to the clinic) because it is a pretty decent replica of another one of my favorite images that I've been conjuring lately.
It does look a bit reproductive, doesn't it? Is it just me? It's probably me.
I get a stitch on Monday. FET is scheduled for Thursday.
As in, only 6 more days.
It's not just you.
Good luck!
Sounds like things are going well!! That's some impressive lining you've got. I'd thank the acupuncture person, too! And I love the cushion. Think...you snuggling in your big cushion, and your embryo(s) snuggling in you. I think you need that cushion!
Good luck on Thursday. Fingers crossed. Our FET is on Tuesday.
I think my acupuncturist had a lot to do with getting me pregnant, so I bet yours had everything to do with your nice thick lining. Keeping everything crossed that all goes well on Monday and Thursday! Good luck!
Congratulations on that great lining. Good luck with the transfer.
Ooo! That's tomorrow! GL and great lining!
Happy day before your transfer day. I will be thinking of you tomorrow.
Great lining - which is a great sign, for sure. My fingers and toes are crossed for you!!
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