Wednesday, September 8, 2010


This air outside. right now. It is gorgeous. Is it blowing for you?

It smells like the end of summer. The beginning of school. The start of the leaves.

It's reminding me of college. Of high school. Of football games and flasks. Of mischief and love. Of long hair and layered clothes.

Fresh notebooks and nice pens. Because expensive pens make everything better. Super fine point please.

How can it be September already?

Why can't it be September forever?


Lisa said...

i couldn't agree with you more!

Anonymous said...

Gah. The air outside MY house is hovering like a lead balloon, weighed down by humidity and soggy with the memories of the week's deluge.

I like your September much better than mine.

I do, however, have school supplies, which makes up for a great deal.

Barbara said...

"Fresh notebooks and nice pens"

Yes indeed. And several different colours of ink.

Cool blue skies and puffy grey rain clouds here.


jill said...

I used to love getting ready for school :) Loved this post! The air here is definitely blowing and very fall-like.
