Tuesday, April 5, 2011

What's Wrong with This Conversation?

Besides the fact that it happened at 6:30 am?

6:30 am. Phone rings.

me: um, yeah? (because I have caller ID you see and I can see its my boss and I want to make it terribly clear I am none too happy I am standing naked in my hallway where the phone is charging at 6:30 a. to the bleeping m.)

her: (unfazed) hi m. I guess you didn't get my message? I sent you an email. I really need your help on these 3 priority communications that NEED to get out right now. I was hoping we could start work on them at 6 am.

me: when, exactly (oh crazy one) did you send that email?

her: 3 am.

me: (long pause. just to see if any of the crazy is sinking in. no? none?) Um, I'm naked. I need a minute.

her: ok. great. call me back when you're ready. thanks.


So....if anyone knows of a communications, govt relations or public relations gig, or any openings for an exec director or deputy director in a non-profit association in or around PA, I've got a lovely well-crafted resume I'd love to send your way.

For reals.


Michele said...

O.M.G. Seriosuly... No words.

LJ said...

OMG. Is that a common thing in your office? It sounds like an old job I had, which nearly killed me. GET OUT!!!

FET Accompli said...


loribeth said...

This guy needs to get a life. And you should tell him so. When you drop off your resignation letter. Yikes!!

Sue said...

Seriously? Next time don't pick up the phone!

jill said...

Whoa. That sucks.

Hope's Mama said...

Seriously. Seriously. Pure insanity!
ps: I love your responses though!

TracyOC said...

For pete's sake! Wish I had an opportunity for you. Of course, with my unexpected, unpaid vacation looming, I'm not sure that I could recommend this line of work.

dana said...

You're more dedicated than I am. I think after the 3am email confession, I'd have simply hung up. >.<

Gil said...

Wow. Just... wow. *boggle*

Catherine W said...

She expected you to respond to an e-mail she sent at 3 A.M.?! To start work at 6 A.M.?! Hmmmm.

I like your 'I'm naked. I need a minute' response. But even that obviously didn't phase her. Truly crazy.

Gah. Good luck with the job hunt. Wish I could help but unless you are considering a move to the UK . . .

A,M.S. said...

Heh. That sounds so much like the sort of stunts my husband's old job pulled all the time.

And I so want an opportunity to use "I'm naked. I need a minute."

Anonymous said...

That sounds like my old boss. Great job on the response and good luck with your job search :)

Smiling said...

seriously?!?! that is crazy.

I believe that being naked and awake at that hour should only be fun! and clearly this doesn't fall into that category!!

I've emailed a friend who lives in PA in case she has heard of anything. She works in my field, which I think relates to your interests.

Anonymous said...

I have had my students do that kind of thing, but thank goodness the shoe of authority is on MY foot.

Anonymous said...

um, i see i am very sick b/c none of that surprised me...see what a decade there has done to us? and hilarious recap hooch. the naked part might be a new thing. ;) L.

Two Shorten the Road said...


LMK if you're interested in moving down toward DC - there are ALWAYS jobs in the non-profit world down here, and they pay pretty well too.

Holly said...

WTF??? You're more gracious than I...I would have said "Are you (insert F bomb) kidding me? I quit."

Kami said...

That is a seriously messed up boss. Crazy like I have never seen. GL finding a new job.

I used to play bass guitar too. Took lessons for about 6 months, had a little bit of fun. Played (poorly, imo) with some older musicians - I was in my early 20's - for a HS fund raiser mostly done by the parents, then put it away and haven't used it since.

Take care, m. I am always hoping you find a way to parent.
