Friday, May 11, 2007

Can't Hold Back

I know Mother’s Day is still two days away but I’m no good at waiting.

Congratulations to a fellow cancer survivor and traveler on this egg donor adventure, Rae!

Let me shout another Happy Mother’s Day loud enough so another childhood cancer survivor H can hear it all the way across the ocean. 14 weeks and counting!

Rae found Maybe Baby shortly after my first post. I am so glad she did. Through her blog, I found Mi Historia, the story of a fellow “wanna be earth mother” which leaves me crying and laughing and believe it or not, longing for London. I love these blogs. I love these women. I love that there really is hope for a full and fertile life after cancer.

Happy (early) Mother’s Day to all the hopeful maybe mommas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awwwwwwww thank you for the kind words, my friend!
i can't wait for you to join me.
have you ever been to the yellow boards?
email me if you'd like to check it out.
i'm getting so excited for you!
