Thursday, February 21, 2008

Sticks and Stones

Let me know if this is a bad idea.

A few weeks ago, I met up with a fellow blogger who I found out lived just around the corner from me. She blogs about eating disorders. During the course of the conversation, we started talking about all of the assvice we've both received from strangers, friends, family regarding our respective situations. You know. You've heard it: "just adopt....", "it's in god's hands...." "if its meant to be...."
Well, we found it all to be hilarious and decided to make some videos with our "favorites." Because you know you can never think of anything good to say until days later.

Well, now's your chance. come watch the vids and say what you wished you thought to say to your sister-in-law, your pregnant neighbor, your well-meaning but clueless friend.

Angelique is the lovely actor saying all those words that raise your blood pressure. I return the favor over at Breaking the Mirror.

We had a lot of fun with this project. I hope it helps you vent some steam too.


Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks for stopping by my blog. I'll add ya' to my roll... :-)

I will definitely check back for those vids. Maybe I should email them to the chick at the gym who's stopped talking to me now that she's 4 months pregnant. What, like you don't want to catch my infertility cooties? Or is it that you think I will have a melt down if I get within 3 feet of your bulging belly. The ignorance abounds, hélas...

Anonymous said...

the video link isn't working for me -- los internets claim that there is no such server?

m said...


Ick! Thanks for the heads up. It seems that there was a period earlier today where "the servers were down" thus explaining the error message. They're back up now. Stupid servers....

stacyb said...

hi m...just wondering how the acupuncture went. hope it went well.

also checked out a few of the vlogs, spot on with those phrases.

Lisa said...

I like it. Someone just today said "I'm going to have triplet grandbabies, don't you wish that was you?" I wanted to say something really smart ass like but just said NO!
