Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Oh My Heart...

...Can't take much more of this.

Nurse called this morning. And screamed, "congratulations!"

hCG level: 537. (Note: last time, it was 2)

I think that means that things are looking good. Pretty darn good. 2nd Beta is tomorrow. Don't worry. I'll be going to a different lab.

Oh I wish I could get my brain to function and punch out something witty, clever, funny this morning. But I am too busy being happy.


Anonymous said...

I smiled all the way to work!

Anonymous said...

So happy for you guys!


Anonymous said...

HOORAY!!!!!!! =)


gently, of course. =)

What does the test tomorrow do?

continuing my loving of you,


stacyb said...


doing a dance of joy for you.

Ryan's Mommy said...

AWESOME!! So happy for you!!

DE Mommy said...

HOLY FREAKING SHITE!!! That is great news!!!!!

Pam said...

Yeah! Congratulations!

Two Shorten the Road said...

Holy sh!t! That's a great beta for so early. Congrats and good luck!

m said...

wow. you guys are FAST! Thank you so much for your thoughts and everything else.

@melis - tomorrow's test will be to ensure that the hCG (Human chorionic gonadotropin) keeps doubling. According to the American Pregnancy Assoc: In about 85% of normal pregnancies, the hCG level will double every 48 - 72 hours. So, that's what the test is checking.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to you! I have been checking your blog everyday to see if you got positive results. I commented a few weeks ago - about also eating more/but losing weight. I went through a FET 4 days before you...and also got a positive result!!! So, I'll be due the same time as you. Fun :)

And congrats again! Enjoy every minute of this!


Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said...

OMG YAY!!!!!!!!! I was so hoping I'd see this post today - congratulations!!!!!

Lori Lavender Luz said...

I just had to apologize for screaming with glee to all the other patrons of this coffee shop.

(I'm not restricted by HIPAA, right?)


Happy said...


Kami said...

OMG! So happy for you! Yipeee!!!

Jumping for joy over here :)

dana said...


Clover said...

Congratulations! Wow, that's a mighty high beta. How many days past transfer are you? FYI, my beta at 11 days post transfer (nonblasts) was 222 and I had twins.

m said...

@Jodi - congrats to you!!!

@Lori - screaming with glee in coffee shops is definitely NOT covered by HIPAA. Smarty pants.

@clover - this beta was done 14 days post transfer (nonblasts). I guess tomorrow's numbers will tell us a little more right? Yikes!

annacyclopedia said...

Congratulations on this wonderful news!!!

Sue said...

What wonderful news - congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations!!!!!

Summer said...

What a great beta! Yay!

michelle said...

Wonderful news just wonderful. Congratualations and even more importantly good luck at beta #2. I have fingers and toes and everything in between crossed for you!

Stacie said...

That is the best news! I am so happy for you! (My beta at 14dpo was only 282, and I had T.W.I.N.S! Wouldn't be something?!!?)

Did you pee on a stick, too? I did, just to see that double line. was wonderful!

Skerry said...

I have been stalking this blog for months, waiting, hoping for good news. I am so happy for you. Crossing my bits and saying a prayer for good numbers tomorrow. Congratulations!

LJ said...

Holy crap! That's great news to see in the morning!

DCat said...

Wonderful news!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats! Great number!!!


~Hollie said...

WOOO WOOOOOO! Such CELEBRATION!!@! Congrats isn't enough. Enjoy being happy, we don't need any fancy dialog here!

Nadine said...

Great that it worked. congrats.

Midlife Mommy said...


wifethereof said...

Holy Betas Batman! That is awesome. I'm thinking twins. My beta at 10dpt was 320 for two.
