Xmas? Chanukah, Festivus?
Photo cards? Straight up hallmark? Homemade?
Do you write nice long notes or just initial, lick and send?
Do you make your partner sign or do you forge his/her signature to save time (guilty. here.)
Do you only send to folks who've sent you a card?
Do you trim your list?
eCards or paper?
What do you do with holiday cards once you get them? Hang 'em up? Go, oh, isn't that nice? Then pitch 'em? Re-use, recycle them?
I'll check back in a bit and share our answers. In the meantime, behold the golden pierog! [thx to Alexandra for the edit]

We do nothing. Never have, except for gifts for friends and family, no cards attached. And every year I marvel at people who do. I can't even muster a general holiday f.book post most of the time.
However, if I were the owner of a golden pierogi ornament, it might be a very different story.
I used to do a newsletter every year, with a card and sometimes a personal note. Now, I have no interest in writing a newsletter about all the gory details of RPL nor do I wish to gloss over it or pretend it isn't happening, so I get generic cards that are generally on the Christmas side of holiday without actually saying marry Christmas. And this year we're saving time by forging each others signatures. Basically, it's just initially, lick and stamp.
I'm really looking to the day when I have news I *want* to share again. I can't decide whether I'll ever do photo cards or not though. I always wanted to, but that was before I discoverd how annoying they can be . . .
I don't do them, never have but I appreciate people sending them to me. I like the photos and updates you get from people far away. My excuse is that I'm a little lazy and find shopping and baking enough to manage during the holidays.
We do nothing -- no photos, no letter, no e-cards. We keep the ones we get for months, and then some we keep forever and others get pitched after they've been on display for a while. I hate throwing them out, but I don't know what else to do in terms of space.
LOVE your golden pierogi ornament!! We used to do cards but stopped in the past two years as I have nothing cheery to say. we hang the cards we get and I consider sending cards just to those people so as not to be a total jerk...sometimes I even succeed in getting them sent.
Mmmmm. Pierogi...
We do photo cards. This year I did a card through shutterfly that prints on both front and backside and I wrote a short message on the back - a bulleted 2011 in review of sorts. A few people got a handwritten personal message as well but it was never more than a couple of sentences.
I LOVE getting cards; I'm excited to go to the mailbox each day. I keep all cards in a cardholder box thing that is on display throughout the season. They are then stored until next year when I look at them all before recycling them away to prepare for the new cards.
We (read: I) do one-size-fits-all holiday cards. Sign, lick, and stamp; we don't have anything of interest to share. And they're mostly sent out of guilt...I don't even think about it until we've received at least three cards in the mail, and then I feel bad. But not bad enough to put forth more effort than required to actually mail the card. ;)
I do a photo card. The past two years it's been my dogs dressed up for Christmas. (Holy shit- I'm so cheesy!) Everyone gets a kick out of it, that's why I do it. I just send them to family and close friends. I used to hang up the ones I get, but this year they are sitting in a pile on my desk.
I've done cards for more than 10 years. Usually I send somewhere in the vicinity of about 200 cards to family and friends, who are scattered hither and yon in approximately eight different countries. I am usually on the ball, and I have them done in early November, waiting to mail as appropriate.
This year, I'm slacking; I just finished my cards on Sunday night and I'll be mailing them later today, less than one week to Christmas. I attribute that to the fact that I work full time, Hubby works nights and so I have Petite to care for.
Usually my cards are a variety of styles/themes, paper style (no photo). At least, that was until I had Petite. I had photo cards just WAITING for a photo of a little one to put in it. Until then, they sat on my shelf.
We had Petite, and I did the photo cards that year. That was 2009. In 2010, I enclosed a photo with the card. This year, I am doing the same thing. Her Santa pic in fact.
I never do a newletter; did it once but honestly, I don't really appreciate them myself so I figured why would anyone else appreciate it? Meh. Just my two cents worth.
I recycle all but the very special cards. I envisage a year when I'll save them for crafts for Petite and her school friends!
However, these days, with the cost of cards and postage, the number of cards I send is about 120. It's just too expensive. Ugh. And I have about 20 that I'll hand deliver to neighbours and friends.
Thank you for your comment on my blog last week. It's nice to be reminded I'm not alone in my feeling left-behind. Happy Festivus, yourself! (that made me laugh, so thank you).
Also, um, I don't seem to do Christmas cards. And I think people are getting sick of me not returning the favor because I have yet to receive even one this year. Haha. Oops!
Photo card, preprinted address labels. I have terrible handwriting, that is my excuse for not writing anything.
P.S. FYI 1 is pierog, pierogi is plural :-)) If you have more then 1 then please share.
Merry Christmas.
Well, it's way late, but I love Christmas cards, so I couldn't resist replying. ; ) I've written about my Christmas cards several times in the past few years -- here's a link to this year's post, with links to previous years:
My cards are usually from Hallmark, although they've been from Papyrus the last few years. I send a photo card every few years. Being a scrapbooker, I know lots of women who make their own cards, but I send more than 100 & pre-Christmas is the busiest time of year for me -- I just don't need that kind fo stress. So, Hallmark it is! ; )
I include a letter, but not to everyone, mostly just close friends & my family, who live further away. I sign them all personally, & I include short personal notes in some.
The ones I get: the photo cards go up on the fridge and later into my photo album. The others get put in a basket in the living room. After Christmas, the handmade ones get filed separately for scrapbooking/cardmaking inspiration. The others get stored for awhile & eventually tossed. I do save the letters people send, and special ones, like the ones my grandmother sent before she died.
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