Friday, February 8, 2013

Oh Yes I Did.

Taken from inside the car I was driving yesterday afternoon.

Because I CAN.

Because I AM.

I've been meaning to go there for a while now. And yesterday - after I missed my doctor's appointment because I couldn't get the keys into the ignition of my mother-in-law's borrowed car because I had the wrong key. After M drove all the way home from work and deposited the right key into my hands and calmed my hysterical ass down, since I had literally worked myself into a lather in the lot because I could not. figure. this. out. Yesterday - when I soothed myself by driving around aimlessly once I had a car with a key that would start - I found this spot and said to myself, oh yes, thank you, I think I shall.

And I saw that lady in her parked car next to me have a look my way. And a little up. And a little down.

And I looked back with a look that said, Yes. Oh yes, bitch. Test me. You are the one I've been waiting for. I dare you. Triple dog dare. Please say something. Please.

And I think she thought better of it.

I have seen other signs in other places that specify they are for parents with small child(ren) (as in, lugging him/her/them in and out of the car), and that, I get. Totally get it.

But this gender-specific, non-inclusive space. Well, it just had to be mine. So I took it.

So tell me, non-traditional moms: have any of you re-appropriated these parking spaces for yourselves? What about you, dads? Why don't you get a choice spot? I say bullshit. You?


Dresden said...


zomg!! You are so close!!!

Esperanza said...

Good. For. You. :)

Keiko Zoll said...

i often parked in these spots out of spite. Now I do it out of pride :) Mazel tov!! Just around the corner...

Rebeccah said...

This is perfection : )

Michele said...

I only park there when I'm physically pregnant. And sometimes not. I know when I was sick and didn't even want to be at the store, the spot was a lifesaver . When i feel fine, I take a regular spot. I view it kind of like a handicapped spot. If I'm driving my mil around and need to for her, I can hang her pass and park there. But if she's not with me I wouldn't.
in general though, I don't see a lot of pg parking where I live. Just a few stores.

Robin said...

My surrogate and I laugh about those spots. She said we need to be together to park there since she is expecting and I"m the mother :)

luna said...

I love this so much I read your inner monologue two times. <3

Mo said...

m., You Rock!!

Em said...

LOVE it. I was so hoping the woman was going to comment too. That would have been too perfect.

nicoleciomek said...

I LOVE THIS. I hate, hate, hate those stupid signs and I am SO glad you parked there!!!! Awesome!! Good job!!!

Unknown said...

I was think about those signs the other day wondering if I would be comfortable parking there. I LOVE IT! you go girl!

Nadine said...

I did once at babies r us, becuase holy hell there was no place to park.

Anwar White said...

I absoluely love you for this post! I know when my babes come, I will have to be giving those same looks.
