That was a favorite and oft repeated (oft mimicked) expression of my fourth grade teacher Mrs. Clark. Mrs. Clark with the heavy, HEAVY Spanish accent (oh! my-a-starrrrrrrrrs!!!!) Mrs. Clark with the crazy wild gray hair. Mrs. Clark who gave the word "Mesopotamia" more syllables than I thought humanly possible. Mrs. Clark who unknowingly caused me great angst and mean girl clique-related agony (and subsequent visits to a shrink. sidenote: Screw you Sha.nn.on D.) with her unbridled love of me. Teacher's pet? Um, yeah.
And yet this chubby, glasses-wearing little girl loved her all the same.
Mrs. Clark who broke into sobs at her teacher's desk when she found out her best friend, our art teacher, died of a blood clot while she was exercising when she was pregnant. And she was given the task of breaking the news to us. Sobs. Total body shaking sobs. When I think of raw grief, this is often the image that comes to my mind. My first real exposure to it. And to the understanding that it will come up and wallop you when you think you have your shit together and there really isn't shit you can do about it. Your roomful of 4th graders will just have to wait until this thing that you have no control over courses through your body and deposits itself in tear all over your daily planner. I digress.
Mrs. Clark is on my mind this morning because her favorite expression is mine today.
Embryologist called. All 3 survived the thaw. Wait. Let me say that again. All 3 survived the thaw. We are on schedule for noon tomorrow.
Say it with me now: oh! my-a-starrrrrrrrrs!!!!
And yes, as so many of you wise, wise ladies discussed, gently suggested in your comments, we have changed our plans and are considering transferring as many that look viable. Now, that could mean there could be some tough decisions to make in the future. But that is the road we are going to take. As I mentioned to nutmeg96 in an email this morning, I never thought I could manage even facing a decision like that, but then again, I never thought I could manage a lot of other things either.
The action plan as it stands - wait and see what tomorrow brings, review the embies, see how they are progressing, have a nice long conversation with our RE (all with a full bladder, not that easy to do) and take it from there. Be thankful. Take nothing for granted.
Oh. My. Stars.
Oh my stars. Hope lives here.
How exciting! I have everything I can cross crossed for you!
Oh. My. Stars. Indeed.
*Deep breath*
(Me, not you! Well, I suppose you need one too, so go ahead . . .)
Let's take this for the wonderful, wonderful, HOPEFUL news that it is. I am beyond thrilled for your three little embies, and will be thinking of you all tonight and tomorrow (and the next day and the next!) Peace for you, strength for them.
There's always a curveball, isn't there? :)
I'm having the urge to add in a few profanities to Mrs. Clark's favourite expression, but will refrain from doing so because she sounds like she was a delightful person to have as a fourth grade teacher, and I wouldn't want to defile her presence in your life in any way.
But WOW! Oh my stars, indeed!
I'm sitting here, abiding with you, being thankful and taking nothing for granted and yet hoping and praying for this amazing news to be the beginning of the story you tell your future child when he or she asks you about his/her origins.
I love your Spanish teacher.
Just know that I have aligned all my stars, and crossed them, and adored them, and everything else I can do for you. Oh my stars and much love.
Oh what wonderful news! I'm so glad to hear that all 3 embryos thawed! I'll be thinking of you guys tomorrow...
Oh what wonderful news! I'm so glad to hear that all 3 embryos thawed! I'll be thinking of you guys tomorrow...
Just fantabulous! Can't wait to hear more good news!
NICE! Good luck! :-)
Congrats on some good embryos if they all survived the thaw! Do you have the option of refreezing one blast if all are looking totally fantastic tomorrow? I think I'd be really scared of a twin pregnancy again after what you went through, but only you and DH (and your RE) know what "risks" you're willing to take, and whether you'd be willing to consider selective reduction if you were to end up with 2-3 in there. Tough choices, and I wish you both clarity in making them.
Hopefully you'll end up with one totally fantastic baby growing strong in there anyhow! Good luck tomorrow.
Oh my stars indeed! So glad you got some good news for a change. I hope the trend continues....
EXCELLENT NEWS!!!! Am already sending positive thoughts in advance of tomorrow. I hope all three look good enough to go in. Full speed ahead! So very hopeful for you :)
Oh my stars!! That's wonderful news. And congrats about making the decision (re going for all three). Fingers and toes crossed!!
I'm so glad that all the embryos survived the thaw. I'm hoping that everything goes as it should. I have fingers crossed for you...
Oh your stars and mine and everyone else's!
Crossing everything for you!
Great news! Sending you support for an easy decision-making process and a smooth transfer :)
yeahhhhhhhhh! i have no idea what i'm talking about, but transferring more than 1 seems SO RIGHT, whatever that means down the road. thinking of you both today, all day. L.
Oh my stars, indeed! M., I'm so happy for you - hoping, wishing, praying, crossing everything I have for you. xoxo
oh your lucky stars!
I am so thinking about you all tomorrow.
Stacy b.
Thinking of you today. And hoping it brings everything you have been working and waiting for.
Hooray!! Stars are shining bright for you here- fingers crossed and full of hope.
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