Friday, August 7, 2009

It's Ok

You guys are the bomb. Really the bomb. I love it when my inbox fills with expletives. I feel like such a tease. Getting us all worked up for a transfer and then...and then.

It's ok. I'm ok. I think we are going to be ok. What other choice do we have?

Today feels so anticlimatic. Yesterday feels so far away. I feel so removed from the shaking, sobbing, full of snot, can't even talk mess I fell into in the little cubicle. Fuck. Where did that come from?

Today, I am back in front of the computer, working. Ok, kind of half-assed working. Picking off all low-hanging fruit in order to end the day with some sense of accomplishment. Thinking of new ways to spend the now no holds barred weekend: cook, drink, fuck, drink, kayak, run, drink.

Yes, that sounds ok to me. At least for now.


April said...

You're awesome.

Bluebird said...

Anytime, anytime at all :)

AND, for the record, you totally are a tease.

AND - I hope you're able to enjoy the weekend, at least just a tiny little bit. Although I know it's not what you had hoped - I still think you have a killer list of activities planned. With emphasis on the drinking, of course. And maybe just forget the running ;)

Anonymous said...

That sounds good to me too. xo

Jendeis said...

I'm so sorry. Hoping that you can enjoy the weekend.

annacyclopedia said...

Just read this post and your previous one, and in the interest of having some expletives in the comments for this post, I'll just say: fuck. I'm so sorry, and my heart just hurt for you, like Lori said, with all that anger and sadness swirling around.

Your weekend plans sound fucking awesome, too.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE a weekend full of activities that end in the letter k! ;)


Barbara said...

Any time you need expletives... (or congratulations)


FET Accompli said...

I know what you mean about trying to pick the low hanging fruit to feel some sense of having accomplished something today. Having trouble getting my butt into gear...
Your weekend sounds like it could very well kick ass, all things considered.

FET Accompli said...

Just posted something but I don't think it went through. In any case, your weekend sounds pretty kick ass, all things considered. Sending hugs.

Lori Lavender Luz said...

Of all those activities, I'd most like to help you with the drinking and kayaking.

Hope you and M have a decent weekend. Maybe even a good one...?

chicklet said...

I totally love that second to last sentence. It's fucking brilliant. Even if it IS the last thing on earth you want to be doing cuz you shoulda been doing other things.

Pie said...

I hope your weekend contained all of those verbs. And I'm sorry to read about this loss, its got to be hard.

nancy said...

oh m.

all my love is being sent to you. ~hugs and kisses~

Kami said...

Those things sound great to me! May you have as much enjoyment out of them as you deserve.

Rachel said...

Just catching up on blogs. I am so, so sorry.

dana said...

I hope you had a good weekend! Your activities sound like mine these days during our timeout. well, except for the kayaking and the running b/c...i can't do either. hehe. but the others....mmmhm. i'll raise one to ya, sista.


Lani said...

since we will be meeting so soon, i need to be a better blog friend and keep up with you. i fall very behind sometimes. anyway, even though our stories are different, i get it.

as you know, today was a blow to us- but i guess we all have to get back up and pick up the pieces and try again. its so hard though. fuck is definitely the word of the moment.

luckly i have lots of music in my weekend and yay, i can get drunk and blow off some of this much needed frustration!

lots of love to you and m.
