Once upon a time, way back in the darkest days, M and I sat down one night to watch a movie. Defiantly so.
Oh, ok, everyone thinks this is the funniest movie ever. Well, we'll just see, won't we....
I should back up and inform you that even though our personal tastes in movies sometimes differ, M and I are united in the "if there's hype, we'll probably hate it," camp. Rational or not. That's just how it is.
So that is how we prepared ourselves to watch P*neapple Expr*ss. Overwhelmed by grief but all cried out. Sick of talking to each other but too exhausted to even attempt seeing other people. We sat down on the couch, grabbed a blanket, turned down the lights and prepared to scoff and snort and then call all our friends and tell them their new favorite movie sucked.
But despite ourselves, we howled. Snorted, because we couldn't breathe we were laughing so hard. Looked at each other like, is this that funny or are we straight up over the edge delirious?
Even though I was ready to chalk it up to the latter, I would still be forever grateful for the respite, the break from the pain. It was the first time we had laughed since our loss.
As you know, this weekend didn't get off to the greatest start. Friday's post was followed by an up in the middle of the night I'm-not-done-talking-about-this conversation/argument that lasted until dawn. We had made peace by Saturday afternoon, but it was still tentative. And both of our shoulders were still a little tight from working and looking into some new job prospects all day. No only was Saturday rainy, but gusts of wind erased any thought of a run, a walk, or even a wander downtown to see who else was out. So, Saturday night rolled around and we weren't quite sure what to do with ourselves.
Well how about it, P*neapple Expr*ss was on the DVR.
I hesitatingly agreed to push play. I was convinced that it simply wouldn't be as funny as the first time we watched it. But I was tired of fighting, tired of staring at my computer, ready to relax, and forcing myself into close proximity to M. and reminding ourselves we actually do like each other and like spending time together seemed like a good idea.
J*mes Franco, S*th Rogan, D*nny McBride = comic genius. We laughed just as hard. Maybe even harder since we caught things this time we missed as we were wiping the tears from our eyes last time. We spent our Saturday night wrapped in a blanket, reclined on our couch, holding each other, laughing. And it felt good.
And that, my friends, is my Perfect Moment Monday.
Perfect Moment Monday is about noticing a perfect moment rather than creating one. Perfect moments can be momentous or ordinary or somewhere in between. Go visit Lori from Weebles Wobblog, founder of Perfect Moment Mondays to read where she and others found their moments this week.
Glad you were ready for the crazy giggles to take over. Hope this week goes smoother.
I've never heard of that movie, but it sounds like one I should look up and watch!
Nothing like a bit of laughter to make you feel better.
I love that. We also had a huge headbutting weekend, all's well now though. Will def make a plan to hire that movie!
Sometimes escapism is exactly what's necessary to get out of a loop.
Glad the Pineapple Express did the trick!
(haven't seen it; i get the title of the movie but not the title of your post, but I trust it's hilarious)
That does it. I'm putting that movie to the top of my Ne.tflix queue. (and have the same thing about hyped movies)
A good laugh always help. Im gonna download that -- so we have it when we really need it.
Well, we are going to have to check out that movie.
I am so glad you found the time to connect.
I also scoff at the publicly acclaimed movie - but we'll have to check out P.E. I remember thinking I would probably hate it when the previews were running, but I'm all for giving it a try! Could really use a laugh these days.
Hope your weekend troubles have smoothed over!
ok, now I feel like I MUST put out a HUGE disclaimer before you go rent this movie and are like, omg this movie SUCKS and m. and her hubby are SICK F*CKS.
I should probably tell you almost all humor in P.E. is a.) pot related, b.) ridiculous c.) violent or d.) all of the above. The last 15 minutes of it involve numerous people getting shot and is so utterly ridiculous it can't not be funny.
Unless you're not into that kind of thing.
SO....by all means check it out, but, um, please don't judge us if you totally and completely hate it.
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