Childhood cancer survivor. That's the good news. Bad news? Chemo and radiation zapped my eggs leaving me infertile. Egg donors were found, several attempts were made and finally we were blessed with beautiful twin girls - born too early (21 wks, 5 days on Dec. 5, 2008). Hang out with me while we savor life with Big Baby Boy, who arrived via gestational surrogate on March 25, 2013.
Thanks ladies! I mean, I know that's not setting the world on fire with my speed, but I needed to get under 31 minutes to qualify for the half-marathon we're contemplating this spring. Fingers crossed the official time is close to mine.
Good for you!
That's fantastic!
Thanks ladies! I mean, I know that's not setting the world on fire with my speed, but I needed to get under 31 minutes to qualify for the half-marathon we're contemplating this spring. Fingers crossed the official time is close to mine.
Yay! You're like the wind!
Way to go, M! I never get anywhere close to that. You rock.
Wow, if my fantasy of running with you some day is ever going to happen, I need to get to work!
Woo! Congrats!!
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