So, as I was perched precariously in the back seat of a rented van, pants down to my knees and peeking out the window to make sure my father-in-law didn't reappear, while all around me, tens of thousands of tailgaters were grilling sausage, drinking beer, playing games and waiting for the first football game of the season to begin, I was wondering.....
What is the weirdest place/situation you have had to give yourself an injection?
Mine was just a tiny Lupron shot and since we left the house at the crack of dawn, I had to bring it along with me to administer it at the right time. Like many of my fellow sisters seeking fertility, only a few friends and family know about it and the processes involved. The rest, like my FIL, are in the dark and will stay there until there is something to report. I know that I am not the only person to be leading a little bit of a double life, pretending that life is totally 100% normal while toting along needles, pills, patches and lucky rabbit's feet.
So let's have it. 'fess up. I did it in a van in the middle of a cow pasture in the shadow of a massive football stadium. You?
There was the bathroom stall at my husband's company Xmas party.
Then there was in the backseat of our car down the block from my inlaws house because we didn't want all the relatives to know.
And of course my classroom, hoping none of my colleagues would use thier key to come in.
Hubby and I did my PIO shot at midnight in a not-so-well-lit Walgreens parking lot - with my deceased cat in a cooler in the trunk. I can explain...
We were on our way to our family farm to bury him.
The whole time hubby and I kept imagining having a police officer tapping on the window and having to explain what in the world kind of sick-os we were.
Anything in the name of IVF...
Ladies! You are awesome! Fantastic stories - thanks for sharing!!
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