Nurse just called with an update of sorts.
It seems they are a little concerned about our donor. Her estradiol level is still around 30 where they had hoped it would be somewhere between 100-200. 7 tiny follicles are present now. That's normal. What's not is her low estradiol after about a week on medications. In nurse's words, they are "disappointed she's not doing better."
Well, that makes a few of us.
Not like I know what any of those numbers mean. I just know that I asked if there was any possibility of having to call off this cycle and Nurse said, "A possibility. Yes."
They are increasing our donor's Gonal F injections and bringing her back in on Friday for another ultrasound. Us, we're just gonna hang out and wring our hands. We have an appointment at the clinic tomorrow for my ultrasound and mock transfer. Nurse promised we could spend some quality time talking then.
Hubby hasn't given up hope. I'm feeling a little deflated. This beautiful, giving woman. So cool in so many ways. If she doesn't respond to the treatments and stimulation, will we ever find someone like her again?
Yes, you will! But I don't think you'll have to. Let me know what she says tomorrow. What does the mock transfer entail anyway?
Church just called and asked us to be in charge of the kids' program at the weekend retreat this fall. A ha. Ha ha. Doesn't seem right that my response to that should be pure terror, does it?
oh geez, this wasn't the good news i'd hoped to log on and see.
i took a break from blogs for a while because it was just too hard. i'm back in the saddle now too, waiting for an FET in aug/sept
I'm right here for you if you ever need/want to talk my friend.
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