Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The First Big Purchase

Today, I took the day off work for no other reason than I was craving a trip to Trader Joes and Ikea - both are quite a distance from our home, but were frequent stops after good visits with our RE clinic. You know, back in the day.

Hubby and I were reminiscing about our dwindling supply of TJs booty the other day and he suggested, well heck, let's just go. Today's his day off work. My schedule was clear. Got the green light for a "personal day" from the boss. And off we went.

Ikea was, I admit, underwhelming. I think I had in my mind that it was filled with things we wanted and we would come home ready to assemble the nursery with all that we had found.

No dice.

So, I suggested the unthinkable: "You know, ______ Mall is right here. Why don't we saunter around and take a look?"

And the unimaginable happened. Hubby said, "Good idea. Sure. Why not."

He must have seen my mouth drop and before I had a chance to say anything he warned me: "I've said yes. Do you really want me to doubt this decision?"

Um. No. So off we went.

And in the Pottery Barn Kids store, I finally found an item that spoke to me. That said, "Yes! Me! I need to be in the nursery!" And so, when we got home I promptly went online and got it.

Got two. One in pink. One in yellow (minus the calligraphy). Oh yes I did.

Now, this will make me rethink the painting of the room, but that's not a big deal. I actually purchased 3 cans of eco-friendly paint because I had an idea of where I wanted to go with the room, but no real plan. This (this, this, and this) gives me a plan.

And that plan, it seems, involves a lot of doodles and farm animals. Don't ask me how that came to be. I've been wanting this Blik graphic for a while but hadn't figured out where to stick it. Once we felt comfortable enough to actually begin thinking about where to stick the seedlings, their room felt like the obvious choice.

So here we are. No cribs yet, but darn it, I've got the bedding.


Anonymous said...

OMG. You and M at the mall. And Pottery Barn Kids no less. WOW.

LOVING the bedding. And THANK YOU for including links to your delicious pasture-y goodness. LOVE the boy on the floor in the jumping cow pic. *giggle*

I ESPECIALLY love the sheeps (on purpose ending s) that are fluffy and made of curly-qs!

YAY for bedding for the seedlings!!!!


Julia said...

I think the bedding is the best place to start. It lays down the foundation to where to begin. I love the bedding BTY. Those decals look like they would be easy to paint.

Can't wait to see the finished product.

Somewhat Ordinary said...

That bedding is adorable!

Ryan's Mommy said...

OMG, those bedding sets are the bomb. I love the wall decals, too. Perfect!

Amy said...

I love that Blik decal! I almost did the sheep theme because of that decal, but I just couldn't get the dragonflies out of my head, so...

Their room is going to be sooooo cute!

Smiling said...

I had a bit of envy reading this post. I think it is GREAT progress that the envy is over the fact that you have access to TJ and I do know because I have emmigrated... alas, life has trade offs.

I am so excited for you... the idea of a real nursery with cute things in it and most importantly children is just so wonderful! I have a huge smile on my face.

The links to the wall painting were adorable. I rather liked the blue wall one - but what is up with the sunglasses dude? :)

Take care - c

kylene said...

I just wanted to comment to let you know that I read your blog regularly through my Google Reader and have been diagnosed with pcos and am getting ready to undergo fertility treatments. I want to give back to the community that has encouraged me so much, so I started a blog of my own. I would love it if you would post my link on your site! I actually won some FertileAid vitamins from you once, and am pretty sure they worked to make me ovulate at least on of the months I tried them...just no baby yet -- but thanks for those!

Stacie said...

Love the bedding! The nursery will be absolutely adorable!
