Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Creme de la Creme is Ready


So, you should go look at it.

And know that I will be posting an addendum to my own entry (oh how things have changed) very soon.

I had a much nicer than anticipated New Year's Eve that consisted of hair-stroking under the basement stairs, bear hugs by the stripper pole and many a heart to heart with burly men and buxom women. Maybe I'll even tell you about that. Short version: I love my brother, his girlfriend, and their friends and was absolutely shocked (although I shouldn't have been) by the love and affection (and grief) that they shared with me and M.

All amid the glow of a "Live Nudes" neon light in my brother's basement, setting of his first annual (of what will be many I am sure) NYE soiree.

I love my brother.


Barbara said...

I'm glad you had a nice new year and those good people shared your grief.


Amy said...

I'm so glad you have your brother. He sounds like just the sort of person you need right now.

C said...

Am NOT on the list **sob *sob** :) But am glad you are and that you sound happy ....Happy New Year.

Somewhat Ordinary said...

Your NYE sounds very, very interesting and hopefully one day you'll share more about it!!

Your brother and his girlfriend sound like wonderful people!
